Christian pastors are slowly being honored in society and they may use their position and common interactions with the public, by showing compassion for people living with HIV/AIDS. Some pastors/leaders have initiated HIV/AIDS education programs within their membership. The study suggests that pastors/leaders could improve their role in helping their members to fight against HIV/AIDS with an education program.
I am thinking, it really moves our heart and when we go to community and tell the Good News to people. There is a really amazing story of Khon Bopha (the Run’s mother). A good story would tell what her life was like before, how she came to be all alone with children and how she got disease and her husband abandon her and the children in family.
What a bad day was like, how it seemed like she could hardly move and was so sick, compared to now. When we meet her at the first time. She suffers a lot, and even the village discriminated against her.
Through the grace of God, we believe, she gets saved. God saves her and her children in His right time, now she is not alone (Rom. 10:17) “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”. I believe that we are all a part of God’s great family. And there comes a time when we heed a certain call as she and her children did,. God arranged for me to meet her, she got led to the Lord. By seeing what we did for her and her children, by showing compassion and Christian love, Providing her care and medicine and food, the Gospel spread widely to villagers, praise the LORD!
And now she is an active member in the church and helps others get saved, she moves other people, inspires her villagers and amazes others with the work of the Lord in her village. Praise the LORD! Now there is a lot of joy over flowing from the face of Pastor Hor Ponlok, God has given the first fruits.